19 Best Morning Routine Ideas You Can’t Miss To Start Your Day Happy

You wake up early in the morning. There is some extra time in your hands to start your day and get ready in peace. You enjoy your morning tea, savor your nutritious breakfast, and you’re ready to go to work.

Everything is just right, and you look forward to a productive and satisfying day ahead of you.

No matter you are a morning person or not, having a miracle morning routine contributes to your mental, physical, and overall well being. Morning routine helps your mental health by

How you start your day sets the tone for the rest of your day. Here’s why it is important to create a morning routine that not only ensures a good morning but also makes you happy, healthy, more productive, and successful.

1. Plan your day the night before

The start to a great morning routine is to start a night before. Especially when you’re entering a new week, a Sunday evening or night is a good time to start.

I know how dreadful Sunday evenings are for many people and you can check out ways to manage your Monday nicely.

Planning your day a night before gives you the mental preparation, control, and acceptance to start a work day. And you actually wake up looking forward to the day because you have planned it beforehand and you’re well prepped.

2. Get a proper 7-8 hour sleep

Say goodnight on time and try to get your 8 hours before a work day. This is not let you feel sleep deprived and help you to feel fresh and ‘awake’ the next day.

Getting enough sleep also prevents crankiness and sluggishness the next day at work. This involves some planning on your part as to how you sign off a night before, your meal time, when you hit the bed, and so on.

3. Wake up at least half-an-hour earlier than usual

Try to wake up half-an-hour to one hour before your regular waking up time. This may be difficult initially but trust me, you get used to soon and enjoy the benefits too.

Wake up with extra time in your hands because you will be able to take your morning slow and do many more things before even starting work. And this feeling is truly empowering.

Waking up with little to no time in your hands paves way for morning anxiety, rush, and makes your more frisky.

3. Avoid alcohol and heavy food the night before

Try to avoid alcohol the night before as it sucks the water out of your body and leads to dehydration. This will lead to waking up more often to drink water as you will feel more thirsty.

Also, it is good not to drink a lot of water before bedtime so you don’t have to make frequent washroom trips through the night!

Also, one good practice is to have your dinner very early. I like to have mine by 7:30 on workdays and its the best thing I have done to myself.

Late and heavy dinners will disturb your sleep due to indigestion.

4. Try not to snooze your alarm

Set your alarm at least 30 minutes before your regular time and do not over snooze

Snoozing the alarm in the morning is like an instinct that is fairly unavoidable at first.

I like to give myself limits like I can snooze till 3 times max, and after that I have to get up.

Setting similar limits would help you not to snooze and you can prevent sleeping in till late.

5. Get up slowly and sit for a few seconds

Set your alarm off and sit up slowly for a few minutes to ‘wake up’. One thing you should absolutely avoid is to jump out of your bed or get up too quickly!

As you are transitioning from sleep to wakefulness stage, the transition should be smooth and slow. Getting up quickly might make you feel disoriented and you may lose your balance too, which can lead to a fall.

And you do not want that first thing in the morning.

6. Have at least 1 liter or 3-4 glasses of water

Yes you heard that right! Lol. The first thing in the morning to give your body is that much water! Even before brushing.

It is again a great practice and something amazing to include in your morning routine to hydrate your body.

Drinking that much water not only helps in flushing out toxins from your body but also lets you complete your major chink of water drinking goal first thing in the morning itself.

And we all know the numerous benefits of drinking plenty of water.

7. Indulge in some Self-Care “me time”

I like to leave the bed and get some fresh sir in the morning. That’s a part of my morning routine. You can also involve yourself in some self-care activities as per your liking such as:

  • reading
  • meditation
  • writing/journaling
  • or simply sitting in silence

All these are great practices to incorporate in your morning routine. You can pick up a spiritual book or a nice, self help book.

8. Meditation

You can also try meditation and reap its numerous mental health benefits.

I sometimes meditate in the morning to be more mindful, present, and increase focus and concentration.

9. Writing/ Journaling

My journal (C) Astha Singh

Writing or journaling is a great habit to incorporate in your morning routine. In the morning, your mind is more workable. It also has ideas and thoughts.

You can write those ideas down in your journal or any thoughts, goals for your life, wisdom you may have. You can also write things to do through your day.

10. Reading

It’s really nice to be able to pick up a great book and spend some time reading. Books based on spirituality, self-help, positivity, life stories, are great picks.

You can catch up in your readings in the morning as you may not have enough time in the day time to read your book.

I like to read scriptures from Bible in the morning and root myself in the Word of God which has helped me abundantly throughout the day being more grounded and rooted in God’s truths for my life no matter what happens around me!

11. No social media scrolling

This is something that should be avoided! since the mind is fragile in the morning, whatever information you pick up from the social media has the power to affect your rest of day.

Books are a great alternative instead!

12. Go for a walk

Mindful walks are good for morning routines (C) Astha Singh

You can also spare some time to go out for a walk if that is possible.

It is a great idea to refresh your mind and mood, and to align your thoughts better for the day. It is great not to take any gadgets or music for these walks for a better quality experience.

14. Plant therapy

I don’t know how many of you like plants but I really like spending time in the mornings watching plants, watering them, noticing different types of trees, the birds that come and perch on their branches, the color of the leaves.

It somehow makes me feel super calm and grounded. You can try it and see if you like it.

Some plants from my garden

15. Stretches or a mild workout

Including some basic stretches in your morning routine really goes a long way in providing more strength and mobility to your body.

As while at work, we get so engrossed that we forget about being in the right posture or maintain wrong postures altogether which leads to aches and pains.

Also things like commuting long distances to work, limited physical activity throughout the day or over activity are also not so helpful.

16. Listen to some nice music

You can also listen to the music of your liking. This has a relaxing effect on your mind and improves mood.

Music that is soothing, motivating, or just of your favorite genre can really help mix up things and make your morning routine more upbeat and interesting.

17. Listen to a podcast

You can also listen to a enriching podcast for some morning inspiration and motivation. Listening to podcasts do not require a lot of work and you just have to tune into one and listen.

The podcast can be based on something that inspires you, or pushes you in the right direction, educates you, or simply entertains you.

18. Make a To-do list and prioritize important tasks

Try making to-do lists each morning

This practice has helped me heaps in my professional life. To be able to make lists and prioritize tasks in order of importance.

This allows you to get your tasks done more efficiently and tick off tasks in order. This also gives a mental satisfaction of getting your work done systematically and with greater control.

This also lets you be more productive in your day and is a must have practice in your morning routine.

19. Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude or being thankful for the things and the life you have is amazing for your mental health and overall life satisfaction.

Doing this makes you feel good, empowered, grateful, and leads to cultivation of positive emotions.

Gratitude is even a scientifically proven practice and has a lot of life and mental health benefits. You can even make a gratitude journal where you can write down things you are grateful for.

So, that’s about it and you’re good to go! Start your new week with readiness and your own toolkit and let me know if if helps you 🙂

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8 thoughts on “19 Best Morning Routine Ideas You Can’t Miss To Start Your Day Happy”

  1. Wah!!
    Great tips.
    Sleeping daily on a similar time and then waking up at the same time is very helpful.
    Morning stretches, and following a schedule is very important for a overall mental health.


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