Self-Care SOS: Unlocking the Secrets to Nurturing Your Well-Being in a Hectic World

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of responsibilities and forget to prioritize our own well-being. However, self-care is not a luxury; it is a necessity. Taking the time to care for ourselves is essential for maintaining balance, reducing stress, and nurturing our mental and physical health. I have… Continue reading Self-Care SOS: Unlocking the Secrets to Nurturing Your Well-Being in a Hectic World

8 Truths Your Trauma Is Passed Down From Parents & How To Break This Cycle

We all know how physical illnesses and personality traits of our parents are passed down to us. We have all heard about 'hereditary' conditions and health issues. The hair type, skin tone, facial, and bodily features aren't the only things that we get from our parents and forefathers. Trauma is something that is passed down… Continue reading 8 Truths Your Trauma Is Passed Down From Parents & How To Break This Cycle

Broken, But Whole. A Year to My Brain Tumor Surgery.

On 29th March, I completed 1 year of my brain tumor excision surgery. As I look back to this day, I see myself being terrified but also surrendering myself shamelessly and completely. The tumor was removed successfully after a lengthy operation. I was fully out, put on general anesthesia. I had no idea what I… Continue reading Broken, But Whole. A Year to My Brain Tumor Surgery.

Proven Way To Fight Body Image Issues and Be 10 Times More Happy

Fitting rooms or dress trial rooms have always haunted me. Why? Because the lighting is so perfect. Everything is bright and visible. All the extra plump that has remained fairly hidden on other days (because of the average lighting in my room), would just all show. Weeks of indulgence would make its appearance on different… Continue reading Proven Way To Fight Body Image Issues and Be 10 Times More Happy

6 Reasons Why Blogging Is An Amazing Outlet If You’re An Introvert

You are a quiet person. You like to spend your free time cooped up within your four walls by yourself, over some music, devices, and a cup of tea. Or at the most, with your family members or your partner. You like to spend your time with quality, and have a very specific set of… Continue reading 6 Reasons Why Blogging Is An Amazing Outlet If You’re An Introvert

New Year, New Me – 5 Practices for Better Mental Health in 2023

Its 2023, and how! How serious are you about reinventing yourself this year? "This year is my year, I'm going to be a new me!" Something that we all have been saying/ considering all the new years that passed by. But is "new year, new me" really a lie? I beg to differ. During the… Continue reading New Year, New Me – 5 Practices for Better Mental Health in 2023

Depression Sneaks in Silently.. You Won’t Even Realize You Have It – Signs?

Some of us may not know this, but Depression is something that sneaks in very slow and quiet for the most part. The symptoms are not as obvious and apparent at first and it takes time for a person to recognize that something is not right or is different about them. Or maybe, people who… Continue reading Depression Sneaks in Silently.. You Won’t Even Realize You Have It – Signs?

Me-Time Ideas When You’re Having a Rough Day

We all have difficult days. Be it a hard and stressful day at work, or a gloomy and hopeless one where you may feel like nothing is working out your way. On the contrary, some days are super. But the truth is, not all days are the same. Our energies rise and then they also… Continue reading Me-Time Ideas When You’re Having a Rough Day

Make Your Very Own Mental Health Self-Care Kit

Your mind deserves all the pampering. Just like how you have a first-aid kit for your body, it is worth having a self-care kit for your mind! The first-aid kit has some very basic but highly useful medicines, ointments, and the likes. And the purpose is simple - to provide instant and on-the-go relief. Also… Continue reading Make Your Very Own Mental Health Self-Care Kit